THE SMARTEST THING IN GREETING CARDS are being offered by the Quaintance Studio. The drawings on these pages and our front and back cover are from a series of 12 cards. The large 4x9 double fold cards are beautifully printed in color, each one a different idea, suitable for anything from a fast "Hello" to a full length letter. The box of 12 makes an ideal gift. He has the cards in stock now so send $5. at once for an introductory box, with envelopes, postpaid. You will want more after you have seen them!

If you like, Mr Quaintance will personally sign one of the cards (with or without a message) as you specify.

Write: Quaintance Studio Dept PP, Box 2236 Terminal Annex, Los Angeles 54, California.

Page 16

The three pictures in the middle of the book illustrate two of the models who posed for the Quaintance greeting card series. Ahmed Done at top and bottom, Bob Jewett in the middle.

Ahmed is 21, 6, 170, was born on the Island of Damascus. Is a full blooded Syrian.

Bob is 19, 5'10", 155 Photos and color slides of these men available from the Quaintance Studio bax 2236 Terml Annex Los Angeles 54, California. Send $1 for model catalog.